Chapter 0: Introduction
Thank you for working with DriveLingua learning platform! We advice you to start learning with our platform immediately after your registration at your driving school. Two chapters a week are…
all english chapters
Thank you for working with DriveLingua learning platform! We advice you to start learning with our platform immediately after your registration at your driving school. Two chapters a week are…
Vocabulary Exercise sentences Video A car is claimed much during driving, so there are any parts, which can get broken. It is important to check your own car for wear…
Introduction Vocabulary Exercises Part 1 We have to form a rescue lane – Wir müssen eine Rettungsgasse bilden Make space for the emergency doctor – Mach dem Nortarzt Platz Stop,…
Introduction Exercise sentences Exercises Emergency services police – Polizei emergency doctor – Notarzt ambulance – Krankenwagen fire brigade – Feuerwehr THW (German civil and disaster protection organization) – THW Behavior…
Vocabulary Exercise sentences Exercises In road traffic it can always happen, that there are any situations, which are not commonplace. The terms you need, you will find in this chapter.…
Introduction Vocabulary Videos Part 1 Today we practice basic driving tasks – Heute üben wir die Grundfahraufgaben We park reverse at the blue vehicle – Wir parken beim blauen Fahrzeug…
Introduction Exercise sentences Videos Basic driving tasks basic driving tasks – Grundfahraufgaben to park – parken laterally – seitlich reverse – rückwärts along – längs to drive reverse around the…
Vocabulary Exercise sentences Videos Basic driving tasks are a part of each practical driving exam. There are six different kinds of basic tasks, which are split into two groups The…
Introduction Vocabulary Exercises Enter and leave the motorway Please enter the motorway towards nuremberg – Fahr bitte auf die Autobahn Richtung Nürnberg Use the merge lane to accelerate – Nutze…
Introduction Exercise sentences Exercises Enter and leave the motorway motorway – Autobahn to enter – auffahren to exit – abfahren merge lane – Einfädelungsstreifen exit lane – Ausfädelungsstreifen exit –…