Chapter 7: Follow the rules – Introduction
Vocabulary Exercise sentences Exercises If your instructor tells you: “you cannot drive, you just can handle the car” it sounds arrogant but is in the most cases the truth. What…
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Vocabulary Exercise sentences Exercises If your instructor tells you: “you cannot drive, you just can handle the car” it sounds arrogant but is in the most cases the truth. What…
Vocabulary Exercise sentences Exercises The topic priority is the widest chapter of this course and includes chapter 5 and 6. Hereby it is important to understand rules and signs. The…
Vocabulary Exercise sentences Exercises To turn is one of the most important exercises for vehicle control. Interaction of speed, gear and time flow has to be accurate. If it is…
Introduction Vocabulary Exercises To steer I show you the correct steer technique – Ich zeige dir die richtige Lenktechnik You need to encroach while you steer – Wenn du lenkst,…
Introduction Exercise sentences Exercises To steer to steer – lenken steering technique – Lenktechnik to steer full – voll einschlagen to encroach – übergreifen softly – leicht strong – stark…
Vocabulary Exercise sentences Exercises If to start up and to shift the gears works already, you can enter the traffic. Your instructor will tell the direction. He also will explain…
Vocabulary Exercise sentences In this chapter you learn expressions you need for the first steps on the street. To handle the car is the topic today. You learn to understand…
Introduction Vocabulary Video Seat adjustment Adjust your seat – Stell deinen Sitz ein Put your seat a bit in front – Stell deinen Sitz etwas vor Put your seat back…
Introduction Exercise Sentences Video Seat adjustment seat – Sitz to set – einstellen in front – vor backward – zurück backrest – Rückenlehne back – Rücken headrest – Kopfstütze …
Vocabulary Exercise sentences Video Every beginning is difficult. At the start your driving instructor will explain you how you adjust and handle your workspace – the inner space of your…